
FOA Approved Training

The Fiber Optic Association has developed curriculum guidelines for training course approval and only approves schools or training organizations meeting our standards. Schools or training organizations which offer training which meets FOA standards are listed on this website and are authorized to offer FOA certifications.

Note: ONLY schools which are listed here are FOA-Approved and authorized to offer FOA certifications. Schools listed here are required to offer FOA certifications to all students. If you have any questions regarding a school's status with the FOA, contact the FOA staff.

Atere Ahmed, CEO
MEED Networks
34 Burundi Street, Off Damba Close
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory 900285
Tel: +234 (0) 80 3407 6495 , (0) 80 9 803 1147

MEED Networks is a Network Infrastructure company with strong expertise in planning and design of Nationwide fiber networks. We bring our field experience to class to offer courses for fundamentals and Specialist courses on Fiber Optics for CFOT and CFOS/D/H/S/T/L/DC specialist certifications. The courses provide all students with the basic knowledge of fiber optics and 70% of class time is spent on hands-on labs. Classes offered at our Office location twice a month. Classes can also be taken at customer location. Our focus is for our student to start making better impact afterwork.

CFOT, CFOS/O, CFOS/D, CFOS/H, CFOS/S, CFOS/T, CFOS/DC, FOA Approved School # 731


Note:ONLY those schools which are listed on the FOA website are FOA-Approved and authorized to offer FOA certifications. Schools listed here are required to offer FOA certifications to students.  If you have any questions regarding a school's status with the FOA, contact the FOA staff at

The listings on this page represent the most recent information available to the FOA. Contact the individual school for verification.

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