
FOA Approved Training

FOA Instructor Certification Application

Please fill in application completely – you must include valid personal email address to receive your FOA credential! All applications are subject to FOA approval.

Exam you are requesting:

New Instructor Certifications:
Specialist Instructor Certifications:

Use this application to request approval to offer a new specialist certification (Available individual has achieved CFOS/I or CPCT/I):

Instructor Contact Information

Applicant Profile

*** Please email complete resume to ***

Certification Terms and Conditions: (required for submission)

I certify that the information I have provided on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that any certification granted by The FOA does not constitute licensure to practice or provide services when required by any relevant law. I understand The FOA certification does not in any way imply that The FOA assumes responsibility or liability for my actions, and I hereby indemnify The FOA from any liability resulting from my actions.

I understand that my FOA CFOS/I instructor certification is contingent upon my teaching at the FOA Approved school that sponsors my application and that if I leave that school for any reason and do not transfer to another FOA Approved school, my CFOS/I is no longer valid.